Orders API - Test icon

Orders API - Test

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Error messages

Product List - GET Products

ScenariosHTTP error codeError TypeError Message
The system did not receive an identifier in the request.400MISSING_MANDATORY_INPUTThere were no valid title or property identifiers received in the request.
The system received both a title and property identifier400TOO_MANY_IDENTIFIERSThere was more than one identifier received in the request. Only one identifier is allowed"
The “VolumeFolio” (only the volume and folio component) provided is not in numeric format400INVALID_INPUTInvalid title identifier provided
The system failed to find a title to return a product list response; OR If the title is either Barred from Search or Barred from Both OR if it’s a skeleton folio, the following error message is shown404RECORD_NOT_FOUNDThe title could not be located using the title identifier provided
The system failed to find a property to return a product list response404RECORD_NOT_FOUNDThe property could not be located using the property identifier provided
The system encountered an error when returning the product list500INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORThe system has encountered an unexpected error, please try again later.
When the title for the property is barred or is skeleton folio; or the title is cancelled404TITLE_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUNDThere’s no valid title/ plan associated to this property
The property PFI is for a property that is not in active (“A”) status.404RECORD_NOT_FOUNDThe property could not be located using the property identifier provided

Submit Order - POST Order

ScenariosHTTP Error CodeError typeError Message
Products unavailable are provided in the request. Could be product unavailable to the customer, Destroyed instruments, plans or instruments unavailable in imaging or product not available for the identifier provided400INVALID_INPUTProduct is not available to order. {product info}
Incorrect Product Ids provided in the request400INVALID_INPUTInvalid product identifier in the request. {product info}
Incomplete product identification information is provided in the request. ProductCode is missing or ProductIds are missing400MISSING_MANDATORY_INPUT{field name} is required but not provided. {product info}
Certificate warning not acknowledged400INVALID_INPUTCertificate warning not acknowledged. {product info}
Incorrect ProductCode is provided in the request400INVALID_INPUTProduct code {ProductCode} is not recognised as a valid Product Code.
The system failed to find a product to return the product list in the response; title is Barred from Search or Barred from Both, title is a skeleton Folio, plan/Instrument not available in imaging or owners Corporation Report not found404RECORD_NOT_FOUNDThe product could not be located using the product identifier provided. {product info}
The request encountered an unhandled exception500INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORThe system has encountered an unexpected error, please try again later.
Mandatory fields are not provided. Additional Info is missing or additional Information for a product is not in the required structure.400INVALID_INPUT{field name} is required but not provided. {product info}
Invalid Additional information data400INVALID_INPUT{field name} is invalid. {product info}
Exceeded max item allowed in an array400INVALID_INPUTExceeded maximum number of products allowed in an order
[Pre-requisites] No pre-requisite is provided. If the property has multiple titles/ CoP, customer must provide at least 1 title/ CoP as pre-requisite400MISSING_MANDATORY_INPUTAll the RSSs and CoP must be provided.
[Pre-requisites] Previous order id supplied belong to a different account (customer_id)400INVALID_INPUTInvalid order id supplied
[Pre-requisites] Previous order id supplied exceeded 120 days → will it still be in the DB?400INVALID_INPUTInvalid order id supplied
[Pre-requisites] orderItemNumber does not exist in the order, orderItemNumber is referencing the wrong product, i.e. not the product required by the pre-requisite. Either the product is incorrect, or it’s for a different title/ plan, or Order id does not exist400INVALID_INPUTInvalid order id/ order item number supplied
[Pre-requisites] Duplicate pre-requisites: Two orders containing the same product for the same identifier or the product id/ code specified is already present in previous order, based on the order id suppliedIf customer chose to use previous order, they should not be allowed to buy a new RSS/ CoP for the same title/ plan as pre-requisite. They can however specify the new RSS as a product in the same order, but not under pre-requisites
[Pre-requisites] The CoP supplied is not related to the RSS400INVALID_INPUTRSS and Copy of Plan must related.
Duplicate order. There’re more than 1 order with the same product code and product id
Recover from order submission failure - allow customer to resubmit order
Allow only 1 property in the order LANDATA DB can only support 1 property per order. In the short term, DDP must ensure all products in an order are related to 1 property only400INVALID_INPUTProducts cannot be ordered for multiple properties in a single order.
[Extra Data] settlementDate is in the past or not on a business day.400INVALID_INPUTThe settlement date must be a business day after the current date.
[Extra Data] settlementDate for Land Tax certificate is after 30th June400INVALID_INPUTThe settlement date must be within the current financial year.
[Extra Data] settlementDate for all other certificates not within the next 2 years400INVALID_INPUTThe settlement date must be within the next two years .
[Extra Data] ratesRequestDate is in the past or on a date prior to the settlement date.400INVALID_INPUTRates Settlement Statement reading date must be a date after the Settlement Date.
[Extra Data] meterReadDate is in the past or not on a business day.400INVALID_INPUTThe Meter Read Date must be a business day after the current date.
[Extra Data] meterReadDate is not within the next 2 years400INVALID_INPUTThe Meter Read Date must be within the next two years .
[Extra Data] meterReadDate is in the past or not on a business day.400INVALID_INPUTThe Meter Read Date must be a business day after the current date.
[Extra Data] meterReadDate is not within the next 2 years400INVALID_INPUTThe Meter Read Date must be within the next two years .

Order History - GET Order

ScenariosHTTP Error CodeError typeError Message
The system did not receive a valid orderId or broker-customer-id in the request.400MISSING_MANDATORY_INPUTThere were no valid order id or broker customer account received in the request.
The orderId received in the request does not belong to the broker or the broker’s customer account or The system failed to find an order404RECORD_NOT_FOUNDThe order could not be located using the order ID. orderId={order_id}
The broker-customer-id received in the request is not a child of the broker’s account. The system failed to find the broker-customer-id.404RECORD_NOT_FOUNDThe customer account could not be located using the broker-customer-id provided.
The system encountered an error when returning the orders500INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORThe system has encountered an unexpected error, please try again later.
Page number provided is out of range404RECORD_NOT_FOUNDPage number is out of range

Retrieve Order Item - GET Order/item

ScenariosHTTP Error CodeError typeError Message
The system did not receive a valid orderId or orderItemNumber in the request.400INVALID_INPUTpath->orderId - String should match pattern '^\\d+
#39;"path->orderItemNumber - Input should be a valid integer, unable to parse string as an integer"
The orderId received in the request does not belong to the broker or the broker’s customer account, the orderItemNumber received in the request does not exist on the order, the system failed to find an order/order item OR Order status is not completed.404RECORD_NOT_FOUNDThe item could not be located using the order ID and order item number provided. orderId={order_id}, orderItemNumber={order_item_number}
The broker-customer-id received in the request is not a child of the broker’s account, or the system failed to find the broker-customer-id404RECORD_NOT_FOUNDThe customer account could not be located using the broker-customer-id provided.
The system encountered an error when returning the orders500INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORThe system has encountered an unexpected error, please try again later.
